Memorial Day | Thank you!
"It is foolish and wrong to mourn the men who died. Rather we should thank God such men [and women] lived."
— George S. Patton
Memorial Day, May 28, 2018.
Monday, May 28th is a day when many Americans have a hot dog and a beer; and, if they are really aware, think about the many women and men who have sacrificed their lives for our country; men and women who, regardless of their real motive for joining our services, ended up sacrificing their lives on the orders of men and women who acted in your name.
We, the 3rd Coast Café, do humbly bow our head in gratitude for your sacrifice!
However; this Memorial Day, we choose to celebrate one of our own—still amongst the living.
Again, for lack of a better expression of our emotions; as Fritz Chaleff so aptly stated, the Coast is privileged to have 'some of the greatest thinkers and socialites' throughout the city of Chicago as our peers.
One of those referenced is one of the oldest living Generals ( Yes! Capitalized!) from World War II.
We will not mention his name—because of his humility.
But, we are proud to call him a friend!
We are so proud to have him as a patron.
We are so proud of you!
We love you, General; and this Memorial Day, we honor you and your service to our country: The United States of America.
Thank you, General!
"Patriotism is supporting your country all the time, and your government when it deserves it."
– Mark Twain